Friday, October 30, 2009

Horror short film!

Horror genres tend to attract more audience especially asians, like us! And by horror, we don't mean cheap thrills, crappy storyline or bland lazy special FXs.
We want to feel connected, feel the chill running down the spine and most importantly, to believe.
It has been years since any horror movie is able to make us look away from TV reflections, staying away from non-labeled VHS tapes or even avoid taking the lift alone...
Hopefully, in the near future 8Pixels can produce an unforgettable horror flick that will make you soil ur pants. :)

Short Film: Out of Order by Patrick Louwerse

Short film: Out of Order from Flabber TV on Vimeo.

Short Film: Love Hurts by Shariff Nasr

Short film: Love Hurts from Flabber TV on Vimeo.


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